Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Monarchs Royal Assent
The Monarchs Royal Assent In Canada, royal assent is the symbolic final stage of the legislative process by which a bill becomes law. History of Royal Assent The Constitution Act of 1867 established that the approval of the Crown, signified by royal assent, is required for any bill to become law after passage by both the Senate and the House of Commons, which are the two chambers of Parliament. Royal assent is the final stage of the legislative process, and it is this assent that transforms a bill passed by both Houses of Parliament into law. Once royal assent has been given to a bill, it becomes an Act of Parliament and part of the law of Canada. In addition to being a required part of the legislative process, royal assent has strong symbolic significance in Canada. This is because royal assent signifies the coming together of the three constitutional elements of Parliament: the House of Commons, the Senate and the Crown. The Royal Assent Process Royal assent may be given through a written procedure or through a traditional ceremony, in which Members of the House of Commons join their colleagues in the Senate chamber. In the traditional royal assent ceremony, a representative of the Crown, either the governor-general of Canada or a Supreme Court justice, enters the Senate chamber, where the senators are in their seats. The Usher of the Black Rod summons members of the House of Commons to the Senate chamber, and members of both houses of Parliament witness that Canadians wish the bill to become law. This traditional ceremony must be used at least two times per year. The representative of the sovereign consents to the enactment of a bill by nodding his or her head. Once this royal assent is officially given, the bill has the force of law, unless it contains another date on which it will go into effect. The bill itself is sent to Government House to be signed. Once signed, the original bill is returned to the Senate, where it is put into the archives.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Human growth and development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Human growth and development - Assignment Example Erikson believes children go through 4 Psychosocial Stages: Basic Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame, Initiative vs. Guilt, and Industry vs. Inferiority. Each of these stages are â€Å"defined by a conflict involving the childs relationship with the environment. The particular conflicts a child faces and the way in which they respond t these conflicts is what Erikson believes shapes their personality. 2. Piagets theory of cognitive development maintains that children are active participants in their own cognitive development. Piagets theory begins with basic schemas, â€Å"cognitive structures or concepts used to identify and interpret objects, events and other information in the environment†(Wood 54). Assimilation is the term Piaget uses to describe the way in which children try to fit these new things into their existing schemas. Not everything can be assimilated into existing schemas, and in these cases children will learn to use Accommodation. â€Å"In accommodation, existing schemas are modified or new schemas are created to process new information†(Wood 55). Transition from stage to stage is not abrupt, but gradual with the first stage being the Sensorimotor stage. In this stage, infant gain an understanding of the world through their senses and their object permanence is developed in which children realize that objects continue to exist even when they are o ut of sight. The Preoperational stage occurs next when the child is between 2 and 7 years of age. â€Å"Here children become increasingly able to represent objects and events mentally with words and images†(Wood 56). At this stage children will be able to imitate the behavior of a person who who is no longer in sight through deferred imitation. Between the ages 7 and 12, the Concrete Operations stage causes thinking to be â€Å"less egocentric and they come to realize that people have
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Searching for 15 Fallacies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Searching for 15 Fallacies - Research Paper Example This is a fallacy because there are others who have been able to get jobs. 5. Our society is becoming more dangerous. This is a fallacy of Scare tactics. It makes people believe that the world is no longer a good and safe place for anyone. It forces people into taking action to secure themselves against the insecurities of the world. 7. â€Å"This has not traditionally been a partisan issue. Lincoln laid the rails during the course of a civil war. Eisen however built the interstate highway system. Both parties have always believed that America should have the best of everything†This was a statement by Barrack Obama about infrastructure. This is a fallacy of tradition. This is because the speaker is basing their argument on past events. 8. Our Mayor’s opinion about local crime is worthless. He cannot even manage to hold his household together having been married and divorced three times already. This is a type of fallacy called Ad hominen. This statement attacks the mayor’s personal life and not his opinion on local crime. 10. We need to spend more on education. Just because the Russians are, increasing military spending does not mean we should. The future of the nation depends on the children of today. This is a fallacy of Red herring. The person changes the topic. 15. Why suffer the embarrassment of morning mouth? Use xyz toothpaste every evening and wake up to a fresh, exiting mouth. This is a slippery slope fallacy. This is because it has the option of using the toothpaste but one may use something else for fresh
Monday, November 18, 2019
LEGAL SYSTEM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
LEGAL SYSTEM - Essay Example The legal system comprises of the various concerned parties of the legal framework namely the court of laws, the lawyers, the plaintiffs, the official staffs of the court of law, the judges and also the society at large as often the judgment are held as records for future purposes and it becomes binding among the people. It was believed that the civil justice system in the United Kingdom was one of the best systems in the world. But like many other nations, any court case called for extensive use of scarce resources like time and money. In order to avoid those, a committee under the chairmanship of Lord Woolf came up with certain recommendations, popularly known as Woolf Reforms, which envisaged reducing the use of time and money in the legal system. This paper aims to provide a critical view of the legal system of United Kingdom especially of the civil justice system with respect to the Woolf Reforms. The United Kingdom comprises of three different jurisdictions namely England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, all with different court system and distinct court system. The civil justice procedure, for which Lord Woolf had elaborate recommendations commences with the County Courts at the bottom of the system. The High Courts of the United Kingdom are basically divided into three divisions like Queens Bench, Family and Chancery. High Courts act as the court of appeals for minor cases as well as court of first instance for major cases. One can appeal the cases also to Court of Appeal (Civil Division). In the United Kingdom, it is the House of Lords that act as the supreme court of appeal where the Law Lords or the thirteen judges designated for the appeal hear the cases. The other indispensable part of the legal framework also comprises of the civil court Judicial Committee of the Privy Council that looks after the matters of the civil justice that arises in the overseas territ ories of United
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Development of a Free Source for Internet
Development of a Free Source for Internet Ebrahim Ali Otaif Suggestion for a free source for Internet for TTC The project aims to provide a new way to give the internet for Technical Trainers College for free and design it and build it for them. The data will be collected from the research websites and finished the survey in these websites. The target group of my project is the poor students in TTC also the poor staff in TTC. The collected data it will be analyzed and show to the students with reasons. The design method will be tested throughout the interviewing be the experts and the students. The expected result is to provide solving a problem for internet for TTC. 1.1. Key words: Development a free source for Internet Enhancing a free source for internet Improvement internet source Providing a free source for internet Introduction of a free source for internet Found a free source for internet Create a free source for internet Try a free source for internet Made a free source for internet Modify a free source for internet Example of a free source for internet Design a free source for internet Build a free source for internet Test a free source for internet Planning a free source for internet Manage a free source for internet Increase the ways of a free source for internet Change the ways of a free source for internet Choose a way of a free source for internet Implement a free source for internet Giving the internet for everyone will result in significant improvements in other key areas including social, cultural, political and global peace Emdad Khan (2011). For many people, the internet has become such a pervasive, fundamental part of daily life and business that it is hard to fathom that over 4 billion people more than 55% of the worlds population are still not online Many of those simply do not have access: they live in hard-to-reach rural areas or do not have digital or other basic infrastructure. Some simply do not see the benefits of being connected, often because of limited relevant digital content. Others are illiterate; many are poor.(The Boston Consulting Group, 2017) Figure 1: Twenty countries are home to three-quarters of the 4.3 billion internet non-users of internet. 2.1. Keywords: Part of daily life Do not have access Basic infrastructure Many are poor 2.2. Main ideas based on key words: Improve part of our daily life Proved internet access Replace the basic infrastructure Help the people Nowadays the internet is importing rescuers to our live that help the user on everything and make his job easy. There are many students or staff at TTC does not have access to the internet because they are poor or the Wi-Fi signal of the TTC is too bad. We should change our infrastructure from cabling on the ground to the air on the sky. Giving free internet to the poor people it helps in their life and makes them happy. (The Boston Consulting Group, 2016) There are many ways to deliver free internet and these ways come from different companies ideas, some companies are exploring the potential to solve coverage issues using satellites4everyone, balloons or stratospheric solar planes. Even if such solutions are speculative and for the long term, they deserve consideration and support from public authorities when necessary, such as accommodating airspace regulations and allocating suitable spectrum. (The Boston Consulting Group, 2016) The study of KATIKALA (2014) the aims of this paper to describes or overview about google Balloon that will powered Internet for everyone and the purpose of the idea how to provide the wireless network to remote areas to connect the people. The result of this study the balloon idea could be work and help countries to avoid the cost of underground infrastructure. The befits of this paper it helps me to know this idea and how it work and what the advantages if we use it. The study of PANDEY BHATTACHARYA (2014) they aims of this paper to show that traditional satellite systems along with the cellular networks it was great technology but the costs of equipments it was huge and cannot be done to everyone. The result of this study indicate that balloon with ad hoc mesh network It will enhance the current standard of living for the humans by giving Internet services. As previous studies mentioned the aim if this study is to provide a problem-solving. The idea here is to solve the problem of internet access for TTC students. The current study is going to answer the question of: Suggestion for a free source for Internet for TTC References Internet for Everyone: Reshaping the Global Economy by Bridging the Digital Divide, Emdad Khan (2011), 204 pages. The Boston Consulting Group (2016). Broadband Commission Special Session at the World Economic Forum: 21 January 2016, Davos, Switzerland. (Accessed on 17.01.2017) The Boston Consulting Group (2016). Internet for All A Framework for Accelerating Internet Access and Adoption, World Economic Forum White Paper. (Accessed on 17.01.2017) KATIKALA, S. (2014). GOOGLEà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ PROJECT LOON, RIVIER ACADEMIC JOURNAL, Volume 10, Number 2. PANDEY, M BHATTACHARYA, S. (2014). BALLOONED WIRELESS NETWORK FOR FREE INTERNET ACCESS, Vol. 4, Issue 2.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Cassio, the Lieutenant, in Othello Essay -- Othello essays
Cassio, the Lieutenant, in Othello    Michael Cassio, the lieutenant who supposedly stole away Iago’s coveted promotion in Shakespeare’s Othello, is a strange sort of character. He shows great appreciation of other people; he is radiant with truth and honor; and yet he patronizes a prostitute, Bianca. This essay will delve into the character of Cassio.  Blanche Coles in Shakespeare’s Four Giants comments on the character of Cassio:  In a casual reading of Othello, it may seem that the character of Cassio is not sufficiently well drawn, because, for reasons connected with his portrayal of Iago, Shakespeare delays the full characterization of Cassio until almost the end of the play. However, we have a number of brief revelations of his personality that mark him distinctly – in his genuine anxiety for Othello’s safety, in his abstaining from taking part in the bold and suggestive comments of Iago to the two women as they wait for Othello’s ship and, a little later, in his sincere regret about the loss of his reputation after he has partaken of the wine which Iago has forced upon him. (85-86)  Cassio makes his first appearance in the play in Act 1 Scene 2, when he is conducting the official business of the duke of Venice, namely the request of the â€Å"haste-post-haste appearance / Even on the instant†of the general because of the Ottoman threat on Cyprus. Brabantio’s mob briefly delays matters, and then Cassio disappears from the stage until Act 2. He disembarks in Cyprus and graciously announces: â€Å"Thanks, you the valiant of this warlike isle, / That so approve the Moor!†After chatting with Montano and other gentlemen of the isle, he welcomes Desdemona, â€Å"our great captain’s captain,†ashore: â€Å"The ric... ...s corpse produces a letter which â€Å"imports the death of Cassio to be undertook / By Roderigo†– another emotional revelation for Michael Cassio. Finally, the ultimate emotional blow to the ex-officer comes when Othello stabs himself and dies: â€Å"This did I fear, but thought he had no weapon; / For he was great of heart.† As â€Å"lord governor†of the island of Cyprus now, Michael Cassio has charge of the â€Å"censure of this hellish villain, / The time, the place, the torture.†Lodovico appeals to Cassio to let his justice, not his mercy prevail: â€Å"O, enforce it!† WORKS CITED  Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.  Coles, Blanche. Shakespeare’s Four Giants. Rindge, New Hampshire: Richard Smith Publisher, 1957. Â
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement
The Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement Michelle Brown The Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s were a profound turning point in American History. African American’s had been fighting for equality for many years but in the early 1950s the fight started to heighten, from Rosa Parks, to Martin Luther King Jr. , to Malcolm X, the fight would take on many different forms over the span of two decades, and was looked at from many different points of view. The Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement For most historians the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement started on December 1, 1955 when Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white person on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. This is when the rise of the Civil Rights Movement began; however, there were several previous incidents which helped to lead up to the movement. In 1951, the â€Å"Martinsville Seven†were all African American men tried by an all white jury in the rape of a white woman from Virginia. All seven were found guilty, and for the first time in Virginia history, were sentenced to the death penalty for rape. Webspinner, 2004-2009). In this same year the African American students at Moton High decided to strike against the unequal educational treatment. Their case was later added to the Brown v Board of Education suit in 1954. (Webspinner, 2004-2009). In June 1953, a bus boycott was held in Baton Rouge, LA. After the bus drivers refused to enforce Ordinance 222, an ordinance which changed segregated seati ng on buses so that African American’s would fill the bus from the back forward and whites would fill it from the front back on a first come first serve basis, the Ordinance was overturned. Led by Reverend Jemison and other African American businessmen, the African American community decided to boycott the bus system. Later in the month Ordinance 251 was put in place, allowing a section of the bus to be black only and a section to be white only, the rest of the bus would be first come first serve. (Webspinner, 2004-2009). In May 1954, Chief Justice Earl Warren delivered the following verdict on Brown v Board of Education. We come then to the question presented: Does segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other ‘tangible’ factor may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities? We believe that it does†¦We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. Therefore, we hold that protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourtee nth Amendment. †(Webspinner, 2004-2009). Even though the actual desegregation of schools did not take place in 1954, this ruling was a major step in the Civil Rights Movement which took place prior to Rosa Parks. Nonviolent Protest Movement Martin Luther King Jr. went far in his belief and commitment to nonviolent resistance. King believed, and taught, six important points about nonviolent resistance. The first was nonviolent resistance is not cowardly, â€Å"According to King, a nonviolent protester was as passionate as a violent protester, Despite not being physically aggressive, ‘his mind and emotions are always active, constantly seeking to persuade the opponent that he is mistaken. †(McElrath, 2009). His second point was that nonviolent resistance would awaken moral shame in a protestor’s opponent, which would then lead the opponent to understanding and friendship. Kings third point was nonviolent resistance was a battle against evil not a battle against individuals. His fourth point stated that su ffering was required in nonviolent resistance, â€Å"Accordingly, the end was more important than safety, and retaliatory violence would distract from the main fight. †(McElrath, 2009). King’s fifth point was, the nonviolent resister was on the side of Justice. His final point was the power of love rests with nonviolent resisters, this is the love of understanding not of affection, â€Å"Bitterness and hate were absent from the resister mind, and replaced with love. †(McElrath, 2009). King continued to preach nonviolent resistance through all the boycotts, sit-ins, protest marches, and speeches. After being arrested in the Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott of 1963, he wrote letters from the Birmingham jail about nonviolent resistance. Later in 1963 he led a massive march on Washington DC, this is where he delivered his I Have A Drams speech. In 1964 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. Up until his assassination in April 1968, â€Å"he never wavered in his insistence that nonviolence must remain the central tactic of the civil-rights movement, nor in his faith that everyone in America would some day attain equal justice. †(Chew, 1995-2008). Malcolm X Malcolm X, whom at one time was a minister for the Nation of Islam, had a more militant style to attain rights for African Americans. After the Washington DC march he did not understand why African Americans had been so excited about a demonstration, â€Å"run by whites in front of a statue of a president who has been dead for a hundred years and who didn’t like us when he was alive. (Adams, 2009). Malcolm, to the protestors, represented a militant revolutionary who would stand up and fight to win equality, while also being a person who wanted to bring on positive social services and was an exceptional role model. In fact, it was the customs of Malcolm X which were severely rooted in the academic founda tions of the Black Panther Party. Malcolm X was murdered in 1965, but his beliefs lived on for long after. Conclusion While King and Malcolm X never shared the same platform, and had two very different beliefs in how to end segregation and racisms, they were both key players in the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King Jr. preached nonviolent resistance, and Malcolm X had a militant style to his beliefs. After Malcolm X was murdered, King wrote the following to his widow, â€Å"while we did not always see eye to eye on methods to solve the race problem, I always had a deep affection for Malcolm and felt that he had a great ability to put his finger on the existence of the root of the problem. †(Adams, 2009). References: Adams, R. (2009) Martin and Malcolm, Two 20th Century Giants. Retrieved on September 27, 2009, from http://www. black-collegian. com/african/mlk/giants2000-2nd. html Chew, R. (1995-2008) Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil-Rights Leader, 1929 – 1968. Retrieved on September 27, 2009, from http://www. lucidcafe. com/library/96jan/king. html McElrath, J. (2009) Martin Luther King’s Philosophy on Nonviolent Resistance, The Power of Love. Retrieved on September 27, 2009, from http://afroamhistory. about. com/od/martinlutherking/a/mlks_philosophy_2. htm Webspinner. (2004-2009) We’ll Never Turn Back History & Timeline of the Southern Freedom Movement. Retrieved on September 27, 2009 from http://www. crmvet. org/tim/timhome. htm
Friday, November 8, 2019
21 Plutonium Facts (Pu or Atomic Number 94)
21 Plutonium Facts (Pu or Atomic Number 94) You probably know that plutonium is an element and that plutonium is radioactive, but what else do you know about it? Learn more with these fascinating facts about plutonium. Fast Facts: Plutonium Name: PlutoniumElement Symbol: PuAtomic Number: 94Atomic Mass: 244 (for the most stable isotope)Appearance: A silvery-white solid metal at room temperature, which quickly oxidizes to dark gray in airElement Type: ActinideElectron Configuration: [Rn] 5f6 7s2 Facts About Plutonium Here are 21 useful and interesting facts about plutonium: The element symbol for plutonium is Pu, rather than Pl, because this was a more amusing, easily remembered symbol. The element was synthetically produced by Glenn T. Seaborg, Edwin M. McMillan, J.W. Kennedy, and A.C. Wahl at the University of California at Berkeley in 1940–1941. The researchers submitted news of the discovery and the proposed name and symbol to the journal Physical Review but withdrew it when it became apparent plutonium could be used for an atomic bomb. The elements discovery was kept secret until after World War II.Pure plutonium is a silvery-white metal, although it quickly oxidizes in air to a dull finish.The atomic number of plutonium is 94, meaning all atoms of plutonium have 94 protons. It has an atomic weight around 244, a melting point of 640 C (1183 F), and a boiling point of 3228 C (5842 F).Plutonium oxide forms on the surface of plutonium exposed to air. The oxide is pyrophoric, so pieces of plutonium might glow like embers as the outer coating burns. Plutonium is one of a handful of radioactive elements that glows in the dark, although the glow is from heat. Ordinarily, there are six allotropes, or forms, of plutonium. A seventh allotrope exists at high temperatures. These allotropes have different crystal structures and densities. Changes in environmental conditions readily cause plutonium to shift from one allotrope to another, making plutonium a difficult metal to machine. Alloying the element with other metals (e.g., aluminum, cerium, gallium) helps make it possible to work and weld the material.Plutonium displays colorful oxidation states in aqueous solution. These states tend not to be stable, so plutonium solutions may spontaneously change oxidation states and colors. The colors of the oxidation states are as follows:Pu(III) is lavender or violet.​Pu(IV) is golden brown.Pu(V) is pale pink.Pu(VI) is orange-pink.Pu(VII) is green. Note this oxidation state is uncommon. The 2 oxidation state also occurs in complexes.Unlike most substances, plutonium increases in density as it melts. The increase in density is about 2.5%. Nea r its melting point, liquid plutonium also exhibits higher-than-usual viscosity and surface tension for a metal. Plutonium is used in radioisotope thermoelectric generators, which are used to power spacecraft. The element has been used in nuclear weapons, including the Trinity test and the bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki. Plutonium-238 was once used to power heart pacemakers.Plutonium and its compounds are toxic and accumulate in bone marrow. Inhalation of plutonium and its compounds increases the risk of lung cancer, although many people have inhaled substantial amounts of plutonium yet didnt develop lung cancer. Inhaled plutonium is said to have a metallic taste.Criticality accidents involving plutonium have occurred. The amount of plutonium required for critical mass is about one-third that necessary for uranium-235. Plutonium in solution is more likely to form critical mass than solid plutonium because the hydrogen in water acts as a moderator.Plutonium is not magnetic. Other members of the element group stick to magnets, but plutonium can have a variable number of electrons in its valenc e shell, which makes it difficult for the unpaired electrons to align in a magnetic field. The element name follows the trend of uranium and neptunium being named for planets outward from the Sun. Plutonium is named for the dwarf planet Pluto.Plutonium is not a good conductor of electricity or heat, unlike some metals.The alpha form of plutonium is hard and brittle, while the delta form is soft and ductile.Plutonium occurs naturally in the Earths crust in uranium ores, but it is very rare. The main source of the element is synthesis in reactors from uranium-238.Plutonium is a member of the actinide element group, which makes it a type of transition metal.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Hate-crime Legislation
Hate-crime Legislation Free Online Research Papers A public policy issue that is fairly new is that of hate crimes. After Matthew Shepard was brutally beaten and left to die, and did, people began to understand the magnitude of these hate crimes and wanted to do something. I have found many web sites and legislation on the subject that support laws against hate crimes. Although most people think hate crimes are specifically against homosexuals, many other people are affected by them. Hate crimes are committed based on gender and race, ethnicity and religion as well as physical disability. Laws prohibiting hate crimes would be beneficiary for many people from many different backgrounds. After September 11, many hate crimes were committed against people of any kind of Arab background. Many people are at risk of becoming a victim of a hate crime, and there is legislation out there to try to prevent them from happening. Prevention is very hard to accomplish, but at least we can hope that those who commit hate crimes will pay for what they do. Also, the public needs to become more concerned about the well-being of those attacked because of their sexual orientation instead of just those attacked based on race, religion, or other forms of discrimination. â€Å"Hate-crime legislation increases a criminals sentence if it can be proven that the crime of which they were found guilty was motivated by hatred of the victim because of their race, religion, sex, or some other factor. Hate speech legislation criminalizes the denigration, ridicule, or expression of hatred against a person or group on the basis of the victims race, religion, etc.†( The effects of hate crimes have been noticed and the government has put into effect laws against hate crimes. However, certain types of individuals are being left out. â€Å"Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia have established some sort of mechanism to respond to and/or record information about hate crimes related to sexual orientation. Of these only the states of California, Minnesota, Vermont, and the District of Columbia also identify transgendered people as a protected group for purpose of hate crime laws.†(Meide, 2000) Therefore, over half the states, including North Carolina, do not have laws against hate crimes specific to sexual orientation. â€Å"Although the federal Hate Crimes Statistics Act requires the United States Justice Department to collect and repot on information about hate violence related to sexual orientation, recording and reporting of information by all local police is not required.†(Meide, 2000) The government, especially local government and police, seem very lax about the issue of hate crimes because of sexual orientation. What these states are trying to do is put an end to hate crimes. However, the way the United States is right now, homosexuals and especially transgendered people do not have the rights that people who are victims of hate crimes for other reasons, such as race, have. Many people in this country oppose homosexuality and can turn their head when a hate crime is committed. From what I have read, the public opinion on hate crimes appears to be in favor of laws against them. However, I do believe that laws against hate crimes based on sexual orientation are not as favored as laws for other forms of hate crimes. Most of the people who want to see these types of laws strongly enforced are homosexuals and transgendered people. Most people do not want to see that a gay man has been brutally murdered on the news. They want to believe that things of this nature do not take place in our society. They are also unwilling to do anything to help. â€Å"It is important to note that both anti-discrimination and hate crimes laws do not only protect members of, for example, ethnic, religious, or sexual minorities. These laws protect all people from hatred and unfair treatment based upon, for example, a person’s race, religion, and sexual orientation.†(Meide, 2000) Several different types of people benefit from this public policy. Any type of hate crime or anti-discrimination is protected by the legislation. Those who cost from this public policy would be the ones who commit the crimes. Stronger punishments are being enforced for people who commit hate crimes. Many people who are against this bill have said they oppose it because it makes thought a crime. It does not. This is about actionsmotivated by hatred. ( Tate said this about a defeated hate crime bill in Colorado. The main argument against hate crime laws is that the crimes being committed are of thought. That does not make any sense. These people are not thinking about brutally attacking someone. They are actually doing it. We have seen evidence of this several times. Actually, people who might be thinking about committing a hate crime might decide against it because of the punishment that would follow if caught. â€Å"The opportunity to be threatened, humiliated, and to live in fear of being beaten to death is the only ‘special right’ our culture bestows on homosexuals.†(Carma) A public policy issue that is very important in our society is being actively supported by many homosexuals and transgendered people. However, there are dissenting opinions about every issue. Many people oppose and not very many states have tried hard to help the situation. When it comes to hate crimes based on sexual orientation, the public does not care very much. It will take a new perspective on the issue to help pass stricter laws and enforce them. Carma, Diane. Denver Post. Meide, Wayne van der. Legislating Equality: A Review of Laws Affecting Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered People in the United States. January 1, 2000. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Research Papers on Hate-crime LegislationCapital PunishmentThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Effects of Illegal Immigration19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraPETSTEL analysis of IndiaUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresHip-Hop is ArtEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and
Monday, November 4, 2019
Personal Finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Personal Finance - Case Study Example This would have the effect of reducing payments for the renters insurance. The personal life insurance and disability insurance would also have the effect of reducing Mark’s motor vehicle insurance. As a result of economic cycles, the value for their shares investment might fluctuate and it would be best if they invested in fixed income investment as it involves less risk. This is one of the best ways to cater for any speculative risk such as investment risk (Dalton et al, 2015). Mark and Ava should consider having an emergency fund as a form of self-insurance. This can also assist them manage their risks. It is very evident that the emergency fund has to be created from funds that can be shrank or by cutting their expenditure. The Lanes can create an emergency fund by reducing their expenditure on entertainment and vacation. They can also reduce their expenditure on clothing and channel the money to a bank account which will be used as an emergency fund. This kind of fund should be easily accessible due to its nature thus the need for it to be either in liquid cash or cash equivalent instrument. The Lanes can also consider paying their credit card debts on time so as to avoid unnecessary cash outflows in the form of interests and fines. Part of the couple’s income from investments can be channeled to the emergency fund and the rest be reinvested for future incomes and to grow the investment (Dalton et al, 2015). A debt management and pay down plan for he Lanes would involve identifying all their debts which are paid monthly quarterly, half yearly and annually. The next step would be to prioritize the debts in order from the smallest to the largest debts they have. This order should consider the debt magnitude and not the interest rates involved. The reason for this is that it is easier and quicker to clear smaller debts and this will give them motivation to be clear even the larger debts. The next step in the pay down plan
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Ebola Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ebola - Essay Example This epidemic ultimately reported a gross increase in fatality cases up to about 71% in West Africa. Additional cases of Ebola virus have been experienced in Nigeria and Senegal. Consequently, some of the United States of America medical doctors who were on life-saving missions in West Africa contracted this virus. This research paper elucidates on the origin, global distribution and health impacts of Ebola virus. The discovery of Ebola virus traces its origin from central Africa along river Zaire in Congo-Zaire. Baron Peter Piot was the lead researcher behind the discovery of Ebola cure. This Belgium microbiologist helped in the discovery of Ebola virus in 1976. He embarked on a mission to contain the first ever recorded Ebola virus in the same year. The natural reservoir for Ebola virus was basically never identified initially. This virus causative agent nonetheless was later unearthed in the year 1989. Ebola Reston (EBOR), on the other hand, was first identified in 1989 (Wilson 111). This virus emerged from imported primates when infected monkeys were imported from Mindanao in Philippines into Reston, Virginia. Unfortunately, a fewer population around was also infected with Ebola Reston (EBOR). This virus was an inactive form (Seroconverted). The virus, therefore, did not regenerate in the RNA. Additionally, Ebola virus conclusively failed to develop into Ebola haemorrhagic fever (EHF). Ebola first emerged as a simple infection though involved with a massive loss of lives in Congo-Zaire. As much as there were myths and misconceptions behind this unknown virus, scientific interventions had to prove religion wrong. Ebola emerged in 1976 in Congo-Zaire and Sudan. Therefore, this virus was named after Ebola River in Zaire. The First Ebola (Ebola-Sudan) outbreak infected about 284 people. Consequently, the infected individuals had a mortality rate of 53% (Wilson 127). A few months later, there was a re-infection of Ebola in Yambuku Zaire. This strain
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