Sunday, December 22, 2019
Comparing The Teachings Of Jesus With Those Of Paul
1. Compare the teachings of Jesus with those of Paul. Why do you think some people consider Paul the second founder (or even the true founder) of Christianity? The gospel describes Jesus as a great teacher who astounded the crowds who gathered to hear him. Though he engaged in debates with Pharisees and Sadducees, he took great interest in ordinary people. He often taught them in parables, stories that used vivid images from everyday life to illustrate spiritual truths (Invitation to World Religions, pg.416). The central theme in Jesus’ teachings was the Kingdom of God. For Jesus, the kingdom of God was not an ordinary kingdom, but that exists when human beings recognize God’s sovereignty over the world and respond in love and in†¦show more content†¦Though Jesus was sinless and undeserving of death, he offered himself as a sacrifice in atonement for all sin (Invitation to World Religions, pg.418). Paul was always emphatic in maintaining that salvation cannot be earned by â€Å"works†, whether humans’ effort to obey the commandments in the Torah or excellent work in general. Instead, he taught that the s alvation made possible by Christ’s sacrifice is a gift, the ultimate expression of God’s love and grace. Salvation is given to those who respond to God’s grace in faith, the conviction that God has acted through Jesus Christ to amend for human sin. Although Paul was very clear in teaching that salvation depends on God’s grace and the individual’s turning to God in faith, he did not dismiss the importance of works (Invitation to World Religions, pg.419). For Paul, faith does more than bringing salvation; it unites the believers with Christ in a â€Å"newness of life†. He believed that the spirit lives in believers and brings them into union with God. As a divine presence within, the spirit encourages the growth of spiritual virtues, the greatest which is love and makes all Christians one in the church often called â€Å"the body of Christ†. Because Paul was the first to describe and teach about the role of Jesus in the salvation of humanity from sin, he’s known to be the second founder of Christianity. It was due in part to his influence thatShow MoreRelatedComparing the Teaching on the Resurrection in I Corinthians and the Thessalonian Letters1499 Words  | 6 PagesComparing the Teaching on the Resurrection in I Corinthians and the Thessalonian Letters The purpose of this paper is to compare the teaching on the resurrection of Jesus Christ as it is noted in Pauls letter to the Corinthians and Thessalonian letters. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the primary doctrines of study in the Bible because it reveals the victory that believers have over death, hell and the grave. 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